Friday, February 28, 2014

上元敬供百家米 Shang Yuan Day collecting of The Prosperity Rice






This Collecting of Prosperity Rice was actual a Practise that being evolved from the Collecting of Five-bushes Rice (五斗米) by Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張祖天師) in the Han Dynasty (漢朝年間).

During the Han Dynasty, while the Taoists engaged Heavenly Master for Blessing on the San Yuan Festivals (三元日) or Curing of Illnesses, the Taoists would need to contribute a total of Five Bushes of Rice to Heavenly Master Zhang – which later, the Rice will be distributed to the Poor or Needys.

Besides that, there were also sayings that, for those who consumed the Prosperity Rice collected on the San Yuan Festivals, Oneself’s Sins & Debts will be Eliminated (赦罪解厄) and Prosperity will be Bestowed upon the Person (並賜福).

With strong belief in Promoting Heavenly Master’s Teaching and Continuing of Taoist Culture, we had decided to follow the Teaching of Heavenly Master – by collecting the Prosperity Rice and then Blessed it and distribute it out to the Public, hoping that Everyone staying in our Areas will be Blessed.

百家米之用處 Usage of Bai Jia Mi aka The Prosperity Rice

Upon receiving the Rice, a number of Friends and Taoists had been asking Jave how to use the Prosperity Rice. With patience, Jave explained to them with the following few Ways/Methods:

Prosperity Rice can be used in a lot of Ways/Methods and it does assist a lot of People in different Ways, such as

1 – Little Kids (below the age of Lunar 3 years old), who tend to Cry, cant get to Sleep or having Nightmare – used the Rice to Cook Porridge, upon cooked, add in Pearl Powder for them to eat or Sew a few Grains of Rice into the Pillow and allowed the Kids to Sleep on it, it will assist the Kids to Calm & Tame down.



2 – Grown-up Children (below the age of Lunar 12 years old), who tend to become Stubborn, like to Talk-back and starts to Behave strangely - used the Rice, mixed it with the Regular Rice and Cooked it. Keep the Water that used to Wash the Rice. Allowed the Children to eat continuously for 3 Days and after then, asked the Children to use the accumulated 3 Days Rice Water to Bathe. It will assist in Tuning the Mind of the Children to a more “Positive Frequency” in the near Future.


3 – Young Adults (from the age of Lunar 13 - 24 years old), who are still Studying and Not able to Concentrate, despite trying a lot of Ways/Methods to stay awake. Try using a Tea-spoon of the Rice, Fried in a pan without using any Oil or Bake in an Oven, till the Rice become Brown. Crash it into Powder-form and mix it with Hot-water to make into Rice-tea, it does help to Generate Energy to “awake” the Mind.


4 – Adult (from the age of Lunar 25 - 60 years old), for those who keep finding themselves Low-in-luck or unable to have a Stable Life - used the Rice, Cooked it with Green Beans to become Green Bean Porridge. Do it on Every 3rd Day of the Lunar Month. It will assist in getting Oneself Physical Soul to be Cleanse and Allowing the Gui Ren (貴人神) aka Prosperity Deities to bestow the Blessing onto Oneself.


5 – Elderly (from the age of Lunar 61 - 99 years old), for Elderly who wished to have a Good Health, Please do Consume the Rice regularly. If possible, every time before consuming the Rice, Recite the following Phrase:


Gui Ming San Yuan San Guan Da Di (皈命三元三品三官大帝)

It not only Request Blessing for Oneself, but also the Family and the whole World.

新春富貴旺財法之二 Requesting of Blessing for Wealth for New Year

Five Direction Wealth Formation (五方亨通迎富來)

財神比比是。有緣自會來。如果有需要。一法定發財。在此與各方同道好友分享” 新春富貴旺財法之二”﹐願大家能在甲午馬年內﹕四季財來無法擋。八面玲瓏好風光。According to Old Chinese Lunar Year Custom Records (古時新年習俗記載), there are a few methods that one self can prepare in-order to gain the blessing of Wealth by the Deities of Wealth before New Year and during the New Year Period. Heres another way to gain the Wealth Blessing.So what shall be prepared?一。 準備一張紅紙﹐尺寸為48公分*48公分First, prepare a Red Paper with dimension of 48cm by 48cm. (If you cant get those red paper that used for Rituals/Ceremonies, just get any normal red construction paper from bookshop).二。準備五色彩色水筆 (青/紅/黃或金/白(立可白/銀筆)/黑)Second, prepare pens of the following 5 color, Green, Red, Yellow, White (can replace with white-paint or liquid-paper) & Black.三。準備五個銅錢(元通寶/龍銀)Third, prepare 5 Ancient Coins, if cant get the Ancient Coins, prepare 5 Singapore One Dollar Coins.四。膠水Forth, get a tube of UHU glue.Once all these are ready, here we go with the preparation of the Formation.So after preparing, what shall be done?五。選一吉日﹐早上九時開始做Choose a good day (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar). 六。淨桌後將所有準備好的物件放於淨桌上Place everything on a clean table and wait for the clock to hit 9.00Am (must be within 9.00 – 11.00Am in the morning).七。九時正﹐攤開紅紙﹐在紅紙上順序畫上五色圈 (以銅錢/龍銀大小為準)Once the clock shown 9.00Am, open up the red paper, draw a circle using the Green Pen first then follow by Red, Yellow, White and last Black (dimension of the circle, about the size of a 50cent Coin).八。在畫完五色圈後﹐在圈內劃上太極圖After drawing the circles, in the center of the circle, draw a Yin-Yang sign (white on left and black on right).九。將銅錢/龍銀黏於太極圖上﹐五色圈內After drawing the Yin-Yang sign, glue the Ancient or One Dollar Coin on top of the Yin-Yang sign.After all the coins are being glued to the red paper, this is more or less considered complete for the first stage.十。一切就緒﹐將準備好的紅紙放置在太陽下”曝晒”三刻鐘(45分鐘)Now, bring the red paper with all the glued-coins to the window where you can get sunshine. Leave the red-paper under the tanning of the sun for about 45 minutes (remember, must be within 9.00 – 11.00Am).After retrieving back from the tanning, the second stage is considered complete.The most important stage, placing of the Wealth Formation.十一(之一)。三刻鐘後。將其紅紙取回﹐如若是祈求自己財運順利﹐將其紅紙放於玄關處﹐將一張紅地毯放於上面﹐每日出門前踩一踩即可。If one self is requesting for Self-Prosperity, place the Formation near to the Door-way, where one self can see when he/she exit and enter.十一(之二)。三刻鐘後。將其紅紙取回﹐如若是祈求闔家財運順利﹐將其紅紙放於飯桌下即可。If one self is requesting the Prosperity for the whole Family, place the Formation under the Dining Table (not necessary to glue it to the Table, just place somewhere that is visible).Once the Formation is being placed, try not to let anyone touch it or shift it.十二。在來年臘月十六日尾牙日送化即可。Only after the 16th Day of Lunar 12 Month of Next Year, then the Formation can be taken down and discard away.